Most Important SEO Strategy 2015

On-page optimization relates directly to the resource itself, including the quality and quantity of content on a website, the presence of keywords and key phrases in the text, metadata content, html-code structure, internal links optimization, the robot.txt and sitemap, the design and usability of a website, running technical audits, resolving software and technical problems.
It is wrong to separate keyword research from on-page optimization, as the former is part of the latter.

If you want to turn your keywords into not only high ranked but high-converting money makers, your keyword research should include the following steps.

  • Analyze the market.  It is necessary to understand the goals of your target users, which will help give you a range of the best possible keywords. It is good to put yourself in the place of a potential visitor and to answer the questions he or she might ask as a search query. Such research should be carried out continuously using different methods. Only extensive research will help increase customer loyalty and raise your site to the top.
  • Concentrate on long-tail keywords instead of one-word keywords. Long conversational phrases are strongly appreciated by Google.
  • Analyze your competitors and get unlimited keyword suggestions with the Keyword Research tool

Off-page optimization, on the other hand, has an indirect affect for your Website content.
For effective off-page optimization, the number and quality of inbound links is the most important factor. The quality of backlinks depends on the quality of the resources (pages) on which they are located. If authoritative and relevant sites are highly estimated by the search engines, this will immediately and positively influence the ranking of your website.
Off-page optimization includes any actions on the internet, increasing the importance of the site in the eyes of search engines. Many experts estimate that external optimization is even more important than internal. Still, both sides of the coin are important for SEO. Off-page optimization resources are just endless in comparison with on-page optimization. It can be carried out over many years, raising the status of the resource in the eyes of search engines.

High quality and well done off-page optimization should include:

  • Earning qualitative backlinks
  • Promotion in social media that achieves quality interaction
  • Active blogging
  • Placement of resource descriptions in good directories
  • Writing articles
  • Press releases, especially those that are picked up for articles by journalists
  • Competent advertising in forums, social networking groups, and other resources where it is possible. Advertising should be unobtrusive, so as not to be a subject for banning by moderators.
  • Engage in dialogue on forums and actively comment in the process of discussion. As if by chance, insert a link for those who are interested. In this case, the likelihood that the ads will be effective increases dramatically.
  • Create an e-mail subscription. This service should be free for visitors. So you can get the email data of new users. In a timely manner notify them about new articles in the blog, or updates of goods in your shop. This can help get you traffic and social media interaction.
  • Announce it immediately when you publish articles on the Internet (in blogs, comments and social networks). This helps attract new visitors. Someone may be interested in the topic of an article. Getting used to the site, he may want to become your subscriber and/or will follow on social media.
  • Visit the sites of your competitors. Monitor their updates and what interests their visitors. Improve your Website Design by using this information.

In general, any network activity on “good neighborhood” resources will enhance the importance of your site, and as a consequence, increase its attendance. At the same time, it should be noted that the implementation of each strategy should be carried out calmly, at a moderate speed, and for a long time.
All in all, off-page optimization in terms of getting results is more effective than internal. But if the proper attention is not given to on-page optimization, then you can fall away from the top faster than you got onto it. So, off-page optimization is useless without on-page optimization.